
    Deputy Commissioner

    DC Sir_5

    Dear Principals and Teachers,
    A VERY HAPPY TEACHERS’ DAY to each one of you.
    When I am penning my good wishes to you on this year’s teachers’ day I am pondering over the words of Abraham Maslow which tells us what type of knowledge culture we inherit from our great forefathers:
    “It was the Ashramas and Tapovanas that the thinking men of India meditated on the deeper problems of existence. The security of life, the wealth of natural resources, the freedom from worry, the detachment from the cares of existence and the absence of tyrannous practical interest stimulated the higher life of India with the result that we find from beginning of history and impatience of spirit a lore of wisdom and a passion for the saner pursuits of the mind …”

    we belong to such a great teaching tradition.

    While paying tribute to his MASTER Shri. Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Swami Vivekananda writes:
    “The only true teacher is he who immediately comes down to the level of the students and transfers his soul to students soul and sees through the student’s eyes and hears through his ears and understands through his mind. Such a teacher can really teach and no other can. The only true teacher is who convert himself, as it were, into a thousand persons at a moments notice.”
    I want to see each one of you great teachers loved by the children and the community not just only for your teaching skills but also for depth of knowledge, commitment to nation building and love for all.